adminb's groups

Space Techies
These people have been known to hug rockets, and sometimes even pictures of rockets.
1 members
Poli-Sci USA
These people talk about politics, and Not politicians.
1 members
Hardcore Science - Rock Stars
These people really dig it
1 members
Robotics and Biomimicry
These people are interested in the boundaries of human experience
1 members
Touched by the Muse
These people like to make sounds
1 members
Stick Ye Eyeballs
These people make visual art.
1 members
Weather Wizards
These people talk about weather, and sometimes climate
1 members
Planet Vulcan - Mathematekoi
These people talk about math, but don't let that fool you, they are anything but dispassionate about this subject.
1 members
Particularly History
These people discuss the intricate details of the past Earth civilizations.
1 members
Material Science
These makers are changing the way things are built on an hourly basis. You may find anyone in this group!
1 members